Services Tailored To You...

If you are in need for a conversation in relations to life challenges you currently face, may it be mental health in distress such as depression, anxiety, identity issues, conflict issues, and many more, private individual counseling may be a cup of what you need right now. Maybe you just need to unpack something out of you, and you just need someone to listen. I am well-acquainted with the followings:

  • depression & anxiety
  • ADHD
  • borderline personality disorder
  • stress
  • identity crisis & confusion
  • behavioral disorders
  • emotional dysregulation
  • life adjustment
  • emotional wounds

If you and your loved one are in a conflict and may benefit another perspective that is neutral and without bias from well-intended close members, then couple counseling may be a cup of what you need right now. I am well-acquainted with the followings:

  • premarital counseling
  • relational conflict
  • peer resolution
  • conflict resolution
  • ethical dilemma

If you just need someone to generate a potential solution to any challenge you may have in dealing with a unique circumstance within your family, friend, job, etc., then a consultation may be a cup of what you need right now. 

  • parenting challenges
  • childhood behavioral challenges
  • skill developments
  • skill managements:
    • anger management
    • time management
    • financial management

And much more...

Just reach out to me and I will be happy to let you know if we would be the best fit. If not, I will be happy to make a referral.